See how much purchasing power your savings could lose over time, and discover how smart investing can help you stay ahead while making a positive impact.
Protect your wealth, protect your values
Inflation silently erodes your savings every year. Our calculator shows you exactly how much purchasing power you're losing by keeping money in cash – and how investing can help you grow both your wealth and your impact.
Use our calculator to see the real impact of inflation on your money. Input any amount to visualize how much purchasing power you could lose by not investing, and learn how to protect your financial future.
Our interactive chart reveals how inflation decreases your money's value over time. See why smart investing isn't just an option – it's a necessity for preserving your wealth and creating lasting impact.
Think of inflation as a hidden tax on your savings. When prices rise over time, each euro buys less than it used to. In 2024, what cost €100 in 2000 would now cost over €170 – that's the silent wealth erosion you need to protect against.
We use real historical data to show you exactly how inflation impacts your money. Our compound annual growth rate formula helps you understand not just what you might lose, but how much you need to earn to maintain and grow your purchasing power.
Keeping your money in cash isn't "playing it safe" – it's guaranteed to lose value over time. Here's why you need to act:
Build a resilient portfolio that grows wealth and drives positive change:
Don't watch inflation chip away at your savings. Use our calculator to understand your risk, then take action to protect your wealth while supporting the changes you want to see in the world.